5 Ways to Listen to Your RingCentral Voicemails Print

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Five Ways to Listen toYour RingCentral Voicemailwww.ringcentral.com

5 Ways to Listen to RingCentral Voicemails1) RingCentral Mobile App2) Online Account Interface3) RingCentral Softphone4) A VoIP Phone5) A Regular Phone ©2012 RingCentral, Inc. All rights reserved. RingCentral Confidential 2

1. The RingCentral Mobile App• Open the RingCentral app on your mobile device• Select Messages >> Voice (to see a complete list of your voicemail messages) • Download the iOS app here • Download the Android app here • Download the BlackBerry app here ©2012 RingCentral, Inc. All rights reserved. RingCentral Confidential 3

2. RingCentral Online Account Interface• Log in to your RingCentral Account via an internet browser• Make sure to enter the correct extension number• Click on Messages >> Inbox• Click Play on the desired voicemail you wish to listen to ©2012 RingCentral, Inc. All rights reserved. RingCentral Confidential 4

3. The RingCentral Softphone• Double-click the voice message icon• To download the RingCentral softphone (formerly known as the Call Controller), open your internet browser and log in to your RingCentral account • If you’re on the old version of the RingCentral interface, click the Downloads tab >> Download Now • In the new interface, click the Tools tab >> Softphone ©2012 RingCentral, Inc. All rights reserved. RingCentral Confidential 5

4. A VoIP Phone • Either through a RingCentral-issued model, or a third-party one that was manually provisioned • Dial *86 on your phone >> Enter your Password >> Press # >> Press 1 ©2012 RingCentral, Inc. All rights reserved. RingCentral Confidential 6

5. A Regular Phone• This applies to ALL regular landlines, mobile phones, and IP phones NOT manually provisioned to work with RingCentral• Dial your RingCentral number >> Enter the Extension number >> Press * >> Enter your Password >> Press # >> Press 1 ©2012 RingCentral, Inc. All rights reserved. RingCentral Confidential 7

For Additional InformationLearn more about RingCentral, the #1 cloud-basedbusiness phone system at: www.ringcentral.comCheck out our business blog at: www.blog.ringcentral.com ©2012 RingCentral, Inc. All rights reserved. RingCentral Confidential 8

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